B. Publishing Content

E-book content has excellent usability because it can be read in many ways such as via tablets, smartphones, or PCs. In addition to fairy tales and content for children and teeenagers, all IPs owned by Kyemongsa (such as classic books or various masterpieces that all generations can enjoy) have been converted into e-books and are readily accessible. Dream Planet will provide an even more efficient and stable environment within the ecosystem to help content consumers enjoy e-books.

It’s easy to see that Kyemongsa has a good reputation and its content is considered reliable when we look at the many content publishing companies and distributors that have worked with them over the years. In addition to Kyobo Bookstore and Aladdin, which are the leading publishing and distribution companies in Korea, Naver, Kakao, and Coupang also publish and distribute Kyemongsa content. Kyemongsa has been loved by readers for over 77 years through the distribution of its published content.

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