2.1.3 Market Issues

Piracy and Copyright Infringement

Duplicate content is a problem throughout the internet as it can be distributed through various channels. In Korea, pirated content is constantly being distributed through “webhards” (online hard drives) and illegal streaming websites. However, it is difficult to fix these problems or force users to follow the law. It is so easy for users to access content illegally and it si hard for governments to establish effective laws. As long as we have had the internet, content has been at risk for illegal distribution. Authorities urgently need to figure out how to protect the property rights of creators.

According to the latest “State of the Internet” security report, “Pirates in the Outfield,” from January to September 2021, the global demand for piracy reached 3.7 billion. This figure represents visits to websties that allow access to movies or TV shows directly through a browser or mobile application or through torrent downloads.

Specifically, there were a total of 132 billion visits to pirated websites between January and September 2021. The study showed that 61.5% of visitors to pirated sites visited the site directly, while 28.6% of visitors accessed the sites after searching for them. This demonstrates just how prevalent and financially damaging online piracy continues to be across all industries.

Last updated